It is common for adult fish to exceed 10.8 inches and weight 20 pounds. The size helps distinguish this species from striped bass x white bass hybrid, which rarely exceeds 10 pounds. Range: All of South Carolina's coastal rivers support striped bass, the largest populations occurring in the Savannah, Cooper and Santee rivers. The DWR website at /lakes under Lake Brittle indicates there is a 12–15 inch slot limit on largemouth, where all bass between 12–15 inches must be released. You could keep 5 bass but none between 12–15 inches long. This restriction should also be posted at Lake Brittle.
Cheri Patterson: (603) 868-1095
Paul Sanderson: (603) 271-3511
April 8, 2020
Concord, NH – Rule changes governing the harvest of striped bass and bluefish went into effect on January 30, 2020. These changes created a slot-size limit for striped bass and a lowered daily possession limit for bluefish, in addition to the required use of non-offset circle hooks when angling for both of these species. For a comprehensive list of rules applying to striped bass and bluefish fishing visit
Specific changes to the harvest of striped bass and bluefish include the following:
- Length limit for striped bass is now within the slot-size limit of at least 28 inches in total length and less than 35 inches in total length.
- Possession/angling limit of bluefish is now 3 fish per day unless angling from a licensed for-hire boat from which 5 bluefish per day is allowed.
- Requirement to only use corrodible non-offset circle hooks when using bait while fishing for either striped bass or bluefish.
The N.H. Fish and Game Department is the guardian of the state's fish, wildlife and marine resources and their habitats. Learn more at
Fishing Guide (Formerly Angler's Guide)
Fishing Guides are available anywhere you can purchase a fishing license and are released in March each year. The Fishing Guide is also available in digital book and PDF formats in English and Spanish. Printed copies of the Spanish edition are available at many locations across the state.
The printed version of the 2020 Fishing Guide incorrectly states that Striped Bass are subject to a 28' minimum length limit in the Inland District. Striped Bass are subject to a 28-35' slot length limit in both the inland and marine waters of Connecticut.
Complete Fishing Guide (2020) | Guía de Pesca de Connecticut (2020)
2020 CT Fishing Guide Index:Statewide Regulations:
Slot Size Stripers Fish
Licenses and Permits:
Slot Size Striped Bass
Freshwater Fishing:
Marine Fishing:
General Information:
Don't forget to enter our Annual Fishing Guide Photo Contest. You can be on next year's cover!
The Fishing Guide is intended to provide a summary of the more important rules and regulations governing sport fishing in Connecticut and to assist in the enjoyment of the angling experience. For legal purposes, the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies and the General Statutes of Connecticut must be consulted.
REMINDER: Public access to fishing waters is restricted to rights-of way designated by poster or by permission of landowner. On state-leased streams, fishermen must stay near the stream bank as indicated by signs.
For information on the latest Fish Consumption Advisory issued by the Department of Public Health, please see A Guide to Safe Eating of Fish Caught in Connecticut.
Informational Brochures/Folletos de InformacionEducational fishing brochures (inland and marine) are also available in both English and Spanish.
Freshwater (aguas dulces): English | Spanish
Saltwater (aguas saladas): English | Spanish
Fishing is Fun for Everyone / La Pesca es una Actividad Divertida para Tudos
Información disponible en español relacionada con la pesca en Connecticut.
Los folletos de la pesca en aguas dulces y aguas saladas fuerón traducidos al español para la distribución a la comunidad hispana residente en Connecticut. El objetivo de los folletos de pesca en español es para ayudar a fomentar, aumentar, y promover la participación hispana en esta actividad.
Somos afortunados en Connecticut por el gran abastecimiento de peces. La población de Connecticut tiene la oportunidad a pescar a no más de 5 millas de su residencia. Las aguas dulces de Connecticut le ofrece pescar peces tales como la Trucha, la Lobina, el Lucio Norteamericano, y el Panfish. Si su preferancia es pez de agua salada, las aguas de Connecticut le ofrece pesca peces tales como la Lobina Rayada, Summer Flounder, Anjona, y Porgy. ¡Vamonos a Pescar!
Please contact the Fisheries Division with any questions.
Phone: 860-424-FISH (3474)
Slot Size Stripers Tube
Content last updated June 2020